Baked Sunday Mornings: Upstate Cheesecake
It all started with cheesecake. Way back circa 2002, a young woman of, let’s say, 24, made a cheesecake that wasn’t half bad. And then another, and another. And then she tried cookies and cupcakes. And layer cakes! And macarons! And tarts! She fell in love with butter, sugar, and flour, and the magical things […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Almond Joy Tart
Who grew up thinking they “didn’t like” coconut? *raises hand* I definitely spent my childhood being repelled by this tropical treasure, an aversion based on exactly zero real-world evidence, perhaps even zero contact. I don’t know at what point the tide turned, at what point it occurred to me to actually try coconut… And I […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Dark Chocolate Ice Cream (with Bourbon Caramel & Pretzels)
I think I can safely say that the Great Chocolate Drought of 2017-18 is now over. I went an embarrassing amount of time without regularly posting recipes that toiled in the depths of deep, dark, decadent chocolate. And I genuinely felt like something was missing in my life. But the past few weeks have seen […]
Puglia, Again: Pistachio Soufflé Cakes
I know I already told you about Puglia, the part of Italy located at the heel of the “boot”. I already told you about its intoxicating wildness and its foreign influences and some of its incredible food. And I already said that it feels like a different country than the rest of Italy, and that […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Butterscotch Pudding Tarts
Sometimes the second time’s the charm. I was excited to see Butterscotch Pudding Tarts from Baked: New Frontiers in Baking on the Baked Sunday Mornings schedule this week because I had made these years ago and was underwhelmed, and I always meant to try them again but never got around to it. I wish I’d taken notes– I […]
Cranberry-Lime Pie
Last year, basically all of Instagram was mesmerized by Bon Appétit’s captivating Cranberry-Lime Pie, and for good reason. Edible things of this technicolor hue usually have food coloring in them, but THIS jewel-toned beauty attributes its vividness to cranberries and only cranberries! I have finally made the pie, and I appropriately fawned over its gorgeous […]
Amalfi Coast & Positano: Wild Strawberry Ricotta Cheesecakes
Everyone has their own idea of paradise, whether it’s a tropical island, a lake in the mountains, a tranquil forest, or whatever place brings you pure joy. Maybe even one’s own backyard. My happiest Happy Place is of the Italian persuasion… which you might have guessed by now. 😉 One place in particular that I […]
Pretty in Pink: Rhubarb-Raspberry Pistachio Tart
I can’t stop. I thought I was done with my rhubarb baking for the season, but I can’t help it. Apparently rhubarb grows like weeds in the Midwest (that’s a thing, right?), but it is sometimes curiously difficult to find in markets in California, or least where I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. […]
Fit for a Ballerina: Rhubarb-Vanilla Pavlova
I’m nothing, if not determined. I’ve been working on a number of more complicated recipes recently to stretch my skills, and at some point pavlovas caught my attention. I’ve never made one, nor have I eaten very many in my life, but suddenly I had to figure out this elegant, swirly, marshmallowy dessert. Then I […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Oreo Chocolate Cupcake Shakes
Oreos. Cupcakes. Chocolate ice cream. Three of my favorite things in the world, all blended up into one delicious beverage– I fully support this vision of liquid sustenance. Baked Sunday Mornings is taking on the recipe for Salted Caramel Chocolate Cupcake Shakes from Baked Occasions this week, which sounds great in its own right, but the […]