All Buttered Up: Chocolate Chip Toffee Shortbread Bars

For bakers who like to tinker, accidents and failures are a common enough occurrence– mostly annoying, sometimes infuriating, but sometimes triumphant!Ā In the best cases, they are great learning experiences that inform our future baking. (Like that’s any consolation when I’m throwing out four sticks of butter, but yeah, afterwards. šŸ˜‰ ) Shortbread is one of […]

Twice as Nice: Double Sesame Banana Bread

You’ve seen one banana bread recipe, you’ve seen ’em all, right?Ā Okay, that was a lie– a big, fat, terrible, viciousĀ lie. While a classic banana bread is perfectly scrumptious,Ā I’ve found that my favorite recipes are the ones with a complementary flavor woven in, particular thisĀ peanut butter-chocolateĀ version. I have not minced words about my feelings on bananas […]

Classic Passover Decadence: Flourless Chocolate Cake

Chocolate. Butter. Eggs. Sugar. That is all you need to make this wickedly dark and decadent Flourless Chocolate Cake. I don’t think that much about flourless chocolate cake when it isn’t Passover (I know, I need to get my priorities straight), but during this week when the only bread product allowed is literally known as […]

At the End of the Rainbow: Irish Chocolate Biscuit Cake

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Let me start this Irish-inspired post by saying that… I love American pastry. I believe that, for all the beautiful desserts in the world, no one makes a layer cake or a thick, chewy cookie like American bakers. Butā€¦ what if I told you that there is something we are sorely […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Baked Ultimate Birthday Cake

Happy New Year! You guys, 2016 was rough. I’m hoping that 2017 will be a better year, but given the impending doom that will befall our nation on January 20, I’m bracing myself for more rough times ahead. But hey, *today* is New Year’s Day, so let’s start things off with CAKE. Because what better […]

Side Dish Supremacy: Southwestern Buttermilk Cornbread

I know Iā€™m not alone in this: Iā€™m one of those people who gets way more excited about the Thanksgiving side dishes than the turkey. I look forward to stuffing (sometimes more than one kind!), potatoes (also the more varieties, the merrier), and squash so much more than the bird. In fact, I would be […]

Kisses From Italy: Baci di Dama

I used to say that I didn’t care for Italian desserts. Even after spending three weeks in Italy a couple of summersĀ ago, I was still fairly lukewarm, except for good cannoli, gelato, and a few other select things that were obviousĀ no-brainers. My tastes have always leaned more towards American and French pastry styles, but that […]

Have Yourself a Boozy Little Xmas: Whiskey & Rye Chocolate Chip Cookies

I cannot remember the last time I made chocolate chip cookies. IĀ seriouslyĀ have no idea. Iā€™ve been so consumed with learning advanced pastry skills over the past several years that I have rarely stopped to revisit thatĀ all-timeĀ iconĀ of home baking. For shame! Sometimes you need to throw back to a simpler time when cookies solved all of […]

My (Bitter)Sweet & Salty Muse: Walnut Shortbread Sandwich Cookies with Caramel Cream

Apparently I’ve been living under a large rock for quite some time, because even throughout my many pastry “research” excursions in San Francisco, I had only recently become familiar with Yigit Pura and his magnificent pastry shop, Tout Sweet. I first sampled his fabulous French macarons and other creationsĀ at the SF Ferry Building Farmers’ Market, […]