Vanilla-Apple Cider Bundt Cake
Every October I’m torn between two existences: my desire to embrace the cooling season, the harvest foods, the upcoming Halloween witchiness, and the slowing down and coziness of the end of the year… But my work life is the complete opposite and pulls me in the other direction by necessity. As a school counselor, it […]
10 Days of Hamantashen, Day 7: Confetti Cheesecake Hamantashen
Is there ever an age when one no longer gets excited about candy sprinkles? Because if there is, I never want to be that age. Sprinkles still bring me so much joy, and I love using them playfully in all kinds of baked goods. I went through a phase a few years ago where I […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Marble Bundt Cake
Who else holds their breath every single time they unmold a Bundt cake? It doesn’t matter how many Bundts I make, how many years I’ve been baking, or which recipe I’m using; there’s always a sliver of terror in my chest when I flip over the pan, only to be relieved by the gentle thud of […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Vanilla Cranberry Coconut Granola with Blonde Chocolate
I was totally not going to make this recipe. I’m generally not ready to accept that the holiday sugar madness is over until around mid-January each year, and making granola right before New Year’s Eve seemed downright sacrilegious– I am still overloading on sugar cookies, eggnog, and fudge over here! The idea of raisins, cherries, […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Vanilla Bean Coconut Marshmallows
Welcome to the latest edition of #thanksBAKED. As has happened more times than I can count since joining Baked Sunday Mornings 5+ years ago, my experience with various baked goods has been totally altered by baking our group’s assigned recipe. This week we made Vanilla Marshmallows, which I turned into Vanilla Bean Coconut Marshmallows because sometimes […]
Rainbow Sprinkle Bread with Birthday Cake Crumb Topping
I know I’m supposed to be telling you more about what people bake in Italy, but two things are happening this week: 1) I’m leaving for a week for a family wedding in Israel, which means a) cramming in as many baking projects as possible before I go and b) procrastinating when I should be […]
White Chocolate Birthday Shortbread Bars
I’m kind of on a shortbread bender right now, guys. Ever since I started playing around with variations on Ovenly‘s Buttery Shortbread recipe, it’s all I can think about– work? sleep? gym? NO– only shortbread. And I’m just fine going about my day believing this is normal, adaptive, healthy behavior– please don’t burst my bubble. […]
Fit for a Ballerina: Rhubarb-Vanilla Pavlova
I’m nothing, if not determined. I’ve been working on a number of more complicated recipes recently to stretch my skills, and at some point pavlovas caught my attention. I’ve never made one, nor have I eaten very many in my life, but suddenly I had to figure out this elegant, swirly, marshmallowy dessert. Then I […]
Sticky Sweet Springtime: Rhubarb-Vanilla Sauce
If you could distill the brightness, sweetness, and exuberance of springtime fruit into a gooey, drippy, vanilla-flecked sauce, you would do so, yes? (Hint: There’s only one right answer.) I came up with this luxurious Rhubarb-Vanilla Sauce sort of by accident, and I’m gonna say it’s one my favorite accidents in mayyyybe my whole life. I […]
One Dough to Rule Them All: Chocolate Chip & Vanilla Cream Hamantashen
I know, I know– Purim was last weekend. But I’ve had so much fun hamantashening this year that I didn’t have enough time to put together a blog post before the holiday. And then I wondered whether it was worth it to write one up after the fact– I mean, who’s still making hamantashen now? But […]