Cookie Butter Cheesecake

Just like that, two full years have come and gone. In June 2018, I left my life as I knew it, with the intention of moving to Israel (where I was born) for a year, open to longer if the right opportunity presented itself. That plan did not work out due to a number of […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Upstate Cheesecake

It all started with cheesecake. Way back circa 2002, a young woman of, let’s say, 24, made a cheesecake that wasn’t half bad. And then another, and another. And then she tried cookies and cupcakes. And layer cakes! And macarons! And tarts! She fell in love with butter, sugar, and flour, and the magical things […]
Amalfi Coast & Positano: Wild Strawberry Ricotta Cheesecakes
Everyone has their own idea of paradise, whether it’s a tropical island, a lake in the mountains, a tranquil forest, or whatever place brings you pure joy. Maybe even one’s own backyard. My happiest Happy Place is of the Italian persuasion… which you might have guessed by now. š One place in particular that I […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake Chocolate Brownies

Houston, we have a problem. If there’s one thing I’ve been able to count on, almost without fail, over the past number of years, it’s BAKED‘s brownie recipe. That recipe has been my go-to again and again since, what, 2009? Deep in my heart, I know that I will never have any need in my […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Pistachio White Chocolate Cheesecake

It was cheesecake– my first baking love. It’s hard to remember that time so long ago when my kitchen was not filled to the brink with couverture chocolate, cake pans, variousĀ kinds of flour, and countless jars of sprinkles! Despite my mother being a wonderful cook, I had little interest in kitchen activities (uhhh, besides eating) […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Orange Almond Ricotta Cheesecake

I almost threw it away. I almost threw it away. I was going to write a sob story about how I ruined my cheesecake and wasted $24 worth of fresh ricotta cheese… but then it rocked my world. I thought I would have to re-bake my second cake in a row– I hope these things […]
Heart-to-Heart Conversation: Valentine’s Sweetheart Cheesecakes

Kiss Me… Be Mine… Sexy… XOXO… Dreamy… Sweet Talk….. Text Me?! I have to admit… I can’t stand Valentine’s Day conversation heart candies. To me, they are chalky and dry, and they just don’t taste good. However, those Sweethearts made by NECCO are one of the most iconic sweets for this holiday, and the quintessential […]