Les Macarons, une Histoire d’Amour: Christmastime in Paris (Part II)

“Macarons only weigh a few grams, but that’s enough to leave your senses quivering with pleasure. Their thin, crisp shell, slightly rounded shape, tempting colours and tender interiors draw devotees to devour them with their eyes, and caress their smooth surface. Their flavours solicit the nose and, when one bites into that crisp shell, the […]
Les Rêves d’une Pâtissière Américaine: Christmastime in Paris (Part I)

Bonjour, ma belle– Que tu m’as manqué! (Hello, beautiful– How I missed you!) I studied abroad in Paris for a year in college, and I can safely say that that year changed my life. It was my first significant travel experience, and though it wasn’t necessarily an easy year, it instilled in me a profound love […]