Cocoa Halva Sesame Hamantashen
Every year since I did 10 Days of Hamantashen in 2020, I keep telling myself some version of, “I don’t need to make a bunch of flavors this year”, or “Remember how stressful that was last year?”, or the ever-favorite “Stop creating more work for myself.” But then the “Wellll, it doesn’t take that long […]
10 Days of Hamantashen, Day 10: Pistachio Nutella Halva Hamantashen
So this is it– the culmination of 10 days and LOTS and LOTS of hamantashen. I didn’t think I’d get to this point, but… (spoken in a hushed tone) I might actually be hamantashen-ed out! I’m so glad I saved these Pistachio Nutella Halva Hamantashen for last– I’m kind of in love with them. They […]