How ’bout Them Apples: Brandy Apple Pie Cupcakes

When I think back to the wonderful Thanksgivukkah feast that I shared with my family last year, there are so many great food memories that we decided to make it an annual tradition, regardless of the date on which Chanukah falls (which varies based on the Jewish calendar). Who knew that the foods of Thanksgiving […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Chocolate-Chunk Pumpkin Bread Pudding

We are one week into September, which can only mean one thing: Let the Fall pumpkin onslaught begin! I have a finite tolerance for pumpkin every year. I love it during October and November, and after Thanksgiving, I am so done. This year, I’m starting a little early due to our accelerated baking schedule for Baking […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Antique Caramel Cake

Good gracious, I’ve been waiting patiently like a good little girl for this one. Caramel, especially of the salted persuasion, is one of the great pleasures of my life. I’ve not been shy about my love affair with chocolate on this blog, but if I’m honest… caramel is a pretty close second. (If you combine […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars

I rarely crave pumpkin out of season; although I quite like it, it’s not generally one of my overarching favorite flavors per se– it does not keep me up at night with recipe ideas or stark, raving mad obsession like chocolate or caramel. (That’s normal, right?!) However, almost like clockwork, on the Autumnal Equinox, all […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Spicy Brownies

So, funny story… I was having a Facebook conversation with a fellow Baked Sunday Mornings blogger about where to get ancho chile powder for this Spicy Brownies recipe. I was thinking, “I can’t imagine having trouble finding ancho chile powder in this part of the country,” given the ubiquitous Mexican and Southwestern cuisine in California. […]