Rolling Deep in the Mission: San Francisco Pastry Crawl (Part 2)
Much of my Spring Break week back in April was spent exploring corners of San Francisco in search of the city’s best baked goods. Why I had not done this earlier, I really couldn’t say—I was thrilled to discover the baked wonders offered up by so many talented confectionary alchemists! On Day 1 of my […]
Proud of My San Francisco Values: San Francisco Pastry Crawl (Part 1)
When I travel, most of the time my first thought is, “Oooh, where are the bakeries??” I have spent many gluttonous weekends (or weeks… don’t judge me) trolling for the most delicious pastries in cities such as New York City, Boston, Portland, and Paris… I recall with much fondness the decadent Sweet & Salty Cupcake […]