Fit for a Ballerina: Rhubarb-Vanilla Pavlova
I’m nothing, if not determined. I’ve been working on a number of more complicated recipes recently to stretch my skills, and at some point pavlovas caught my attention. I’ve never made one, nor have I eaten very many in my life, but suddenly I had to figure out this elegant, swirly, marshmallowy dessert. Then I […]
Open Sesame: Rye Rhubarb Tahini Tart
GAH, I love this season for baking. (Okay, there isn’t really a season that I don’t like, but bear with me.) Finally the rhubarb and cherries are here, and gorgeous berries are signaling the imminent arrival of summer. I’m still fairly new to rhubarb, having only discovered it a few years ago, and every year I’ve […]