Rainbow Sprinkle Bread with Birthday Cake Crumb Topping
I know I’m supposed to be telling you more about what people bake in Italy, but two things are happening this week: 1) I’m leaving for a week for a family wedding in Israel, which means a) cramming in as many baking projects as possible before I go and b) procrastinating when I should be […]
#WhyIMarch: Resistance Vanilla Cake Truffles
I believe in women. I believe in equality. I believe in progress. I try not to get too political on here, because after all, the focus of this blog is to foist gluttonous amounts of butter and sugar on you, but the recent events in this country are freaking me out. To tell you the truth, […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Baked Ultimate Birthday Cake
Happy New Year! You guys, 2016 was rough. I’m hoping that 2017 will be a better year, but given the impending doom that will befall our nation on January 20, I’m bracing myself for more rough times ahead. But hey, *today* is New Year’s Day, so let’s start things off with CAKE. Because what better […]