Rainbow Sprinkle Bread with Birthday Cake Crumb Topping
I know I’m supposed to be telling you more about what people bake in Italy, but two things are happening this week: 1) I’m leaving for a week for a family wedding in Israel, which means a) cramming in as many baking projects as possible before I go and b) procrastinating when I should be […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Vanilla Bean Angel Food Cake with Milk Chocolate Glaze
Ah, February. Hearts, chocolates, long-stem red roses, and yes– it is the time when Cupid roams the land in search of would-be lovers to stick with his aphrodisiac arrow. I admit that I celebrate Valentine’s Day with a hearty eyeroll, but I do love all manner of heart-shaped baked treats and anything slathered in chocolate. […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Baked Ultimate Birthday Cake
Happy New Year! You guys, 2016 was rough. I’m hoping that 2017 will be a better year, but given the impending doom that will befall our nation on January 20, I’m bracing myself for more rough times ahead. But hey, *today* is New Year’s Day, so let’s start things off with CAKE. Because what better […]