Rainbow Sprinkle Bread with Birthday Cake Crumb Topping

I know I’m supposed to be telling you more about what people bake in Italy, but two things are happening this week: 1) I’m leaving for a week for a family wedding in Israel, which means a) cramming in as many baking projects as possible before I go and b) procrastinating when I should be […]
Puglia: Spicy Pepper & Herb Taralli

For most people, visiting Italy means Rome, Florence, Venice, maybe Milan, right? Let’s throw in Bologna or Pisa if you wanna get real fancy. But how many tourists make it to the southern part of the Boot? Destinations like Napoli, the Amalfi Coast, and even Sicily might be on the list after hitting the main handful of hotspots; but an […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Chocolate Pop Tarts with Peanut Butter & Jam Filling

Some weeks I feel like I’m really progressing in my baking and making important strides in understanding baking chemistry… This was not one of those weeks. Between going back to work after having the summer off, ruining a batch of homemade puff pastry, and being involved in several Italian dessert projects for my upcoming Italy […]
Twice as Nice: Double Sesame Banana Bread

You’ve seen one banana bread recipe, you’ve seen ’em all, right? Okay, that was a lie– a big, fat, terrible, vicious lie. While a classic banana bread is perfectly scrumptious, I’ve found that my favorite recipes are the ones with a complementary flavor woven in, particular this peanut butter-chocolate version. I have not minced words about my feelings on bananas […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Caramel-y Banana, Peanut Butter, & Chocolate Bread Pudding

Sometimes you just need a hunka hunka burnin’ bread pudding. More specifically, sometimes you need to make a dessert that personifies Elvis Presley; in honor of The King’s birthday on January 8 and his penchant for peanut butter and banana sandwiches, Baked Sunday Mornings is making Caramel-y Banana, Peanut Butter, & Chocolate Bread Pudding from Baked Occasions this week. […]
Side Dish Supremacy: Southwestern Buttermilk Cornbread

I know I’m not alone in this: I’m one of those people who gets way more excited about the Thanksgiving side dishes than the turkey. I look forward to stuffing (sometimes more than one kind!), potatoes (also the more varieties, the merrier), and squash so much more than the bird. In fact, I would be […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Cheesy Bastille Day Beer Bread

Vive la France! Have you ever celebrated Bastille Day? Better yet, have you celebrated it with cheese-and-beer-laced bread?? It’s my first time too, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a new tradition. I am a huge fan of savory baking and a strong advocate of things that combine cheese and beer, so this […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Brown Sugar Shortcakes with Mixed Berries & Whipped Cream

I love when I’m wrong about dessert– sometimes I need to be put in my place. I wasn’t particularly stoked for this recipe, especially since we just made another berry recipe for Baked Sunday Mornings two weeks ago, but I was very, very wrong in my ambivalence. This is the time of the season that […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Mega Easter (Primavera) Pie
When I joined Baked Sunday Mornings over 3 years ago, the group was working their way through BAKED’s second cookbook, Baked Explorations, and they were just cracking open the newly released Baked Elements— I was so excited to jump in! The premise of our group is to bake through every recipe one by one and learn/enjoy/chow […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Brioche Ice Cream Sandwiches

Italy is never far from my heart and thoughts; if there’s anyone down to celebrate an Italian holiday, it’s THIS GIRL. As I start up another school year this week, I am wistfully reminded that Italians are celebrating the festival of Ferragosto, established in Roman times (Feriae Augusti– “Festivals of the Emperor Augustus” in Latin) and […]