Baked Sunday Mornings: Chai Spice Trifle with Mixed Berries

God save the Queen!… is what I was thinking while straining my chai spice pastry cream. I never really thought of custard as an area of weakness in my baking repertoire, though now I’m starting to wonder. But let’s back up for a minute to honor a royal birthday! In celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Strawberry Supreme Cake

It’s summer berry season, friends, and I could not be more excited about that! You know how sometimes it doesn’t feel like Fall until you taste that first bite of pumpkin, or gingerbread and peppermint in December? Spring and summer in California sort of blend into each other, with magnificent berries and cherries and tomatoes bursting into the farmers’ markets in […]

Right Side Up: Rye & Rhubarb Upside-Down Cake

Soooooo, I am hardcore fangirling over rye flour right now. (Yes, those are the sorts of things that bakers fangirl over.) For that matter, I’m fangirling over rhubarb, but I guess that happens every spring nowadays, doesn’t it? Normally, I am fairly lukewarm when it comes to fruit desserts; I will almost always choose chocolate […]

Coconut Double-Dip: Raspberry-Vanilla & Dark Chocolate Macaroons

Are you mindlessly gnawing on your umpteenth Manischewitz coconut macaroon during this Passover week? It’s okay– we’ve all been there. Take a breath and slowly put down the can. You can and will get through this, and you’ll see that very soon you’ll be in a better place: making your own macaroons. Maybe you’ve been in that […]

Just Around the Corner: Fig White Chocolate Poppyseed Hamantashen

Purim really snuck up on me this year. What with the mad green frenzy last week, and the spring equinox, and even Easter in March, the hamantashen (3-cornered cookies symbolizing the hat of Haman, the villain in the biblical story of Queen Esther) damn near didn’t happen this year. Even though I don’t have a […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Brown Butter Apple Cranberry Galette

Oh my, this is one pretty pie. I mean, galette— we’re getting a little fancy for Thanksgiving at Baked Sunday Mornings this week. Though actually, I guess it just *feels* fancy because galettes are of French pastry origin. Really, a galette is quite rustic with its wild and crazy free-form shaping. I love baking lots of different things, […]

That’s How the Cake Crumbles: Torta Sbriciolata alle Mele

Ciao a tutti! Friends, it is with great pleasure that I share with you a wonderful cake that just came into my life—I can hardly contain myself, actually. You know how sometimes you discover a new kind of dish that you immediately know will become a permanent part of your repertoire? The kind that has […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Nonnie’s Blueberry Buckle

I don’t have a Nonnie, let alone one who makes blueberry cake, but this bright, fluffy ring cake makes me wish I did! I’m not normally a big blueberry person, but this cake confirms that my favorite vehicle for eating them is via a coffee cake delivery system. In honor of National Blueberry Month (yes, really), Baked Sunday […]

Gettin My Jam On: Strawberry-Rhubarb Rugelach with Oatmeal Streusel

I only discovered rhubarb a couple of years ago and didn’t get a chance to work with it last spring, so I wanted to make something special with it this year. I tried my hand at this Rhubarb Mousse Cake, which came out okay, but I wasn’t blown away by it, mostly because I’m a […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Light & Lemony Jelly Roll with Raspberry Cream Filling

Consider the lemon. A humble fruit that cannot be eaten out-of-hand, it often resorts to playing wingman to other flavors in cooking: lemon chicken, lemon hummus, lemon-white wine sauce. In the pastry world however, lemon gets its chance to shine: lemon meringue pie, lemon bars, lemon pound cake, and in this Light & Lemony Jelly Roll with Raspberry […]