Black Sesame Coconut Babka
So far in 2018, I’ve been babka-ing hard. Ever since I made Chocolate-Halva Babka at the end of last year, I have been hitting the babka dough every chance I get, which is still not as often as I’d like, considering that it’s a 2-day process and as a blogger, I also have to take natural […]
Desperately Seeking Sugar: San Francisco Pastry Crawl (Part 3)

As if Day 2 of my San Francisco Pastry Crawl wasn’t debaucherous enough, I had one more day of traipsing around the city in store– there are just so many places! I still can’t believe that I had no idea how much SF has to offer– I debated whether to limit the number of locations […]
A Sweet, Delicious Death: Killed By Dessert

So, I’m just going to come out and say it: I have a problem. The San Francisco pastry scene, which I’ve only recently begun to discover in all its splendor, is far too enticing. I can’t stay away. I can’t not shovel pastries into my mouth. I can’t resist seeking out a new bakery. I […]