Baked Sunday Mornings: Classic Diner-Style Chocolate Pie
Sometimes all you need is a slice of pie. I’m not even that much of a pie person. But sometimes it hits the spot like no other dessert. And sometimes maybe you even have it for dinner. I’m not saying I had pie for dinner this week, except that maybe I did, and I’m not […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Frozen Swiss Chocolate Pie
Summer weekends are for eating frozen things, preferably involving chocolate. And if those frozen chocolate things happen to be slathered in fudge and whipped cream, ALL THE BETTER. Our last recipe for Baked Sunday Mornings was in honor of National Dog Day; this week we are celebrating Grandparents’ Day with Frozen Swiss Chocolate Pie from […]
Valentine’s Trifecta: S’mores Brownie Pie
Oh S’mores, how do I love thee? I love thee over a campfire, in cupcake form, as an ice cream flavor, and I definitely love thee in a pie dish! Especially a ruffly, heart-shaped pie dish in February, to be more specific. There are few flavors that I adore more than the glorious trifecta of […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Mississippi Mud Pie (aka Muddy Mississippi Cake)
I’ve had over a month of pretty successful baking (no disasters!), including three awesome baking jobs– even a wedding! However, I felt like something was missing in my baking life… Was it my imperfect lemon curd? Was it the marshmallows that oozed out of my Cornflake-Marshmallow Cookies? Or was it just my Walking Dead Season […]