10 Days of Hamantashen, Day 1: Oreo Hamantashen

This is momentous. I’ve been planning 10 Days of Hamantashen for a couple of years, and I’m over the moon at finally finishing to write up that many dough and filling variations! If I have to pick a single Jewish cookie as my favorite, I would probably have to choose hamantashen. Thanks to Uri Scheft’s […]

Cacio e Pepe Knishentashen

I know Purim is technically over. But my friends in Israel said that everyone is still celebrating through Saturday, so I decided that I’m going to keep blogging about hamantashen until it’s no longer socially acceptable. Except this post is a little different. I’ve always thought savory hamantashen would be super interesting, but it wasn’t […]

Salted Cacao Nib Brownie Hamantashen

It’s hard to believe how quickly this year between Purim holidays came and went. Last spring, I was frantically planning and packing for a huge move halfway across the planet. In the middle of all that came hamantashen season, as it always does at this time. The previous year, I had discovered the almond shortbread […]

Pop Tart Hamantashen

My whole life, I’ve more or less been a creature of habit when it comes to hamantashen. I grew up eating apricot-filled ones, which I will happily gobble up to this day, but poppyseed… nope, no thank you, blech. Also, if you throw in a chocolate-filled one, I’m definitely in, no questions asked. Other jams, […]

One Dough to Rule Them All: Chocolate Chip & Vanilla Cream Hamantashen

I know, I know– Purim was last weekend. But I’ve had so much fun hamantashening this year that I didn’t have enough time to put together a blog post before the holiday. And then I wondered whether it was worth it to write one up after the fact– I mean, who’s still making hamantashen now? But […]