Baked Sunday Mornings: S’more Nut Bars

I take my s’mores very seriously. Today it became apparent that maybe I need to take it down a notch, seeing as how I almost set a fire in my living room… yeahhh. See, we all know that “s’mores” is a very specific combination of ingredients: graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallow. But not just any […]
Toasty Twisted Triangles: S’mores Hamantashen

UPDATE 3/8/2020: Stop. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Do not make these hamantashen. I made a way better and easier version of S’mores Hamantashen this year, and I’d like to redirect you to make those instead! I’ve been wanting to make Hamantashen, the traditional cookie for the Jewish holiday of Purim, for […]
No Campfire Required: Salted S’mores Cookies

Gooey, toasty marshmallow… rich, melty chocolate… crunchy, sweet graham crackers… That’s right– s’mores are not just for camping, people. I go camping at most once a year, but obviously I need s’mores in my life much more frequently to maintain a base level of sanity. (Anyone else with me on that??) I happily look for […]
Chocolate & Marshmallows’ New BFF: Homemade Graham Crackers

I recently read a great article about the common experiences of children of immigrants growing up in the United States, which a) kept me in stitches, and b) brought back sooo many food memories. Many immigrant children can commiserate about the experience of bringing food from their native culture to school in their lunchboxes, and […]