Sweet, Salty & a Little Malty: Chocolate Stout Pretzel Cupcakes

One of my favorite things to do in the kitchen is create mash-ups of my best-loved baking recipes. I am immensely enjoying experiments of the “sweet & salty” variety at the moment, with particular affinity for the pairing of chocolate and pretzels. [Note to self: Next time I make Whole-Wheat Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels, drizzle with […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Whole-Wheat Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels

I’m so excited to be participating in Baked Sunday Mornings because it’s challenging me to try recipes that a) I might overlook, b) I plan to make at some point, but haven’t materialized yet, or c) I have avoided because they seem intimidating. In this case, it’s the latter; I’ve never tried making homemade soft […]