10 Days of Hamantashen, Day 2: Cinnamon Dulce de Leche

I used to think March was such a blah month. Aside from St. Patrick’s Day, there just wasn’t much going on, and it’s such a very, extremely, annoyingly long month in my spring semester on the school calendar, not to mention we lose an hour of sleep. But when I started making hamantashen a few […]
10 Days of Hamantashen, Day 1: Oreo Hamantashen

This is momentous. I’ve been planning 10 Days of Hamantashen for a couple of years, and I’m over the moon at finally finishing to write up that many dough and filling variations! If I have to pick a single Jewish cookie as my favorite, I would probably have to choose hamantashen. Thanks to Uri Scheft’s […]
Salted Cacao Nib Brownie Hamantashen

It’s hard to believe how quickly this year between Purim holidays came and went. Last spring, I was frantically planning and packing for a huge move halfway across the planet. In the middle of all that came hamantashen season, as it always does at this time. The previous year, I had discovered the almond shortbread […]
One Dough to Rule Them All: Chocolate Chip & Vanilla Cream Hamantashen

I know, I know– Purim was last weekend. But I’ve had so much fun hamantashening this year that I didn’t have enough time to put together a blog post before the holiday. And then I wondered whether it was worth it to write one up after the fact– I mean, who’s still making hamantashen now? But […]
Just Around the Corner: Fig White Chocolate Poppyseed Hamantashen

Purim really snuck up on me this year. What with the mad green frenzy last week, and the spring equinox, and even Easter in March, the hamantashen (3-cornered cookies symbolizing the hat of Haman, the villain in the biblical story of Queen Esther) damn near didn’t happen this year. Even though I don’t have a […]
Toasty Twisted Triangles: S’mores Hamantashen

UPDATE 3/8/2020: Stop. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Do not make these hamantashen. I made a way better and easier version of S’mores Hamantashen this year, and I’d like to redirect you to make those instead! I’ve been wanting to make Hamantashen, the traditional cookie for the Jewish holiday of Purim, for […]