Welcome to Stellina Sweets! I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a while now, and I am very excited to finally take the plunge! I often find it difficult to contain my excitement/glee/joy about the minute details of baked goods; it is not unusual for me to get disparaging looks or comments like, “Um, it’s just a cookie,” while espousing the loveliness of Irish butter. I hope some kindred spirits reading this will understand my plight. 😉 There are constantly ideas floating through my dessert-obsessed brain: cake flavors, decoration themes, cookie mix-ins, reasons to use Oreos… I tend to view the world around me through a “dessert” lens– How can I make [x] into a cupcake? I decided it was time to move said ideas out of my head, into the mixer, and hopefully into other people’s kitchens! Please check back soon for my first recipe post. There will be chocolate.
Join The Sweetness
From my kitchen to yours. Delicious recipes that will inspire more time in your kitchen.