Baked Sunday Mornings: Chocolate Cinnamon Chipotle Sugar Cookies

I love living in the San Francisco Bay Area… I may have mentioned that one or two or 46 times before. There are few other American communities so rich in diversity– we have nearly every kind of people represented within an 80-mile or so radius, which means lots of food, holidays, rituals, and generally cool […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Milk Chocolate Malted Brownies with Chocolate Ganache

Brownies twice in a row for Baked Sunday Mornings— I can definitely embrace this lifestyle. Two weeks ago, we made Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake Chocolate Brownies, which I unexpectedly struggled with a bit. I felt like my brownie skillz were shaky all of a sudden, and if there’s one thing I’ve felt pretty comfortable with, it’s BAKED […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake Chocolate Brownies

Houston, we have a problem. If there’s one thing I’ve been able to count on, almost without fail, over the past number of years, it’s BAKED‘s brownie recipe. That recipe has been my go-to again and again since, what, 2009? Deep in my heart, I know that I will never have any need in my […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Mini Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes

I live by the school year calendar. I lived by the school year calendar since preschool, almost continuously except for one semester after finishing college while working in the tech consulting world (*shudder*) and not taking any classes. Aside from that brief period, I have always been in school in some capacity, whether full-time or […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Frozen Swiss Chocolate Pie

Summer weekends are for eating frozen things, preferably involving chocolate. And if those frozen chocolate things happen to be slathered in fudge and whipped cream, ALL THE BETTER. Our last recipe for Baked Sunday Mornings was in honor of National Dog Day; this week we are celebrating Grandparents’ Day with Frozen Swiss Chocolate Pie from […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Chocolate Chip Hush Puppies

Friday was National Dog Day. I know this only because countless friends posted Facebook and Instagram photos of their beloved canines, and also because for Baked Sunday Mornings we made Chocolate Chip Hush Puppies from Baked Occasions in honor of said furry friends this week. I didn’t grow up with four-pawed pets in the house, so I never really […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Salted Caramel Soufflé

I have a confession, and it may disqualify me from being a food blogger; in fact, maybe I should cut my losses and back away from the oven altogether… Okay, here goes nothing: I have never watched Julia Child. Go ahead– judge, gasp, point fingers… it’s to be expected for such an egregious culinary transgression. […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Traditional Linzer Cookies

Christmas cookies in July? This girl ain’t gonna say ‘no’. (Let’s be honest, I’m not going to say ‘no’ to any cookies any time of the year.) Our Baked Sunday Mornings baking schedule is mostly aligned with the holidays represented in Baked Occasions, but sometimes we have to fit recipes in at different times of the year, particularly […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Cheesy Bastille Day Beer Bread

Vive la France! Have you ever celebrated Bastille Day? Better yet, have you celebrated it with cheese-and-beer-laced bread?? It’s my first time too, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a new tradition. I am a huge fan of savory baking and a strong advocate of things that combine cheese and beer, so this […]

Baked Sunday Mornings: Nanaimo Ice Cream Bars

Oh, America. We really need to get out more. Just beyond the northern border is a wide, wonderful world called CANADA, and they make excellent desserts too. I think it’s safe to say that Americans know about maple syrup and things that you can make from maple syrup, but one thing I definitely *didn’t* know […]