Baked Sunday Mornings: Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

Autumn in the Middle East is… different. This is the first Fall season of my life (okay, since I was a toddler) not spent somewhere that gets the familiar pre-holiday chill in the air, at least a little color on the leaves, and the beginnings of Christmas gearing up. In Israel, temperatures are still in […]
Autumn in Brooklyn: Pumpkin Olive Oil Cake with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting & Maple Roasted Pepitas

I’m lucky to live near San Francisco, I really am. We have a glorious bounty of beautiful, artisanal foods –in the actual, real sense of the word, i.e. handcrafted foods borne of a painstakingly detailed and loving process, not in the annoying, trendy sense– at all times of year. There is never a time when […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

Whatever you’re doing right now, put it down– you need to make Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls immediately. This is one of the recipes that I was most excited to make when Baked Elements was released two years ago, but inexplicably, I haven’t had a chance to make them until now. (Little did I know what I’ve been missing […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Pumpkin Harvest Dunking Cookies

It’s Fall. Me happy. I am, of course, by no means unique in my love of the autumnal season, with its warm cocoa, reds and yellows and oranges, and that glorious, crisp relief after months of sweltering heat. (Not that’s it’s cooled down in California much at all yet, but at least I know it’s […]