Apple-Maple Tart

I know. Pumpkin pie is supposed to be, like, the thing this week. I am fully aware of this, and yet, I refuse to conform. I’ve just never been a huge fan of pumpkin pie; it’s okay, but I can take it or leave it. I am much more excited about other Thanksgiving/autumn desserts. Things that […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Classic Apple Pie

In the Great Life Debate of cake vs. pie, cake pretty much always wins in my book. (Unless there is chocolate and/or caramel in the pie. Then we might have to discuss further.) I will fuss with cake layers, frosting, crumb coat, the decorating turntable, and any other minute details to make every cake as […]
Pretty in Pink: Rhubarb-Raspberry Pistachio Tart

I can’t stop. I thought I was done with my rhubarb baking for the season, but I can’t help it. Apparently rhubarb grows like weeds in the Midwest (that’s a thing, right?), but it is sometimes curiously difficult to find in markets in California, or least where I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. […]
Puff Pastry Pillows: Spicy Shakshuka Tarts

I love shakshuka and I love puff pastry… so I guess this was bound to happen eventually. I don’t usually cook on this blog, but sometimes we have to rethink things when inspiration takes hold, and this was a recipe that I really wanted to share. I absolutely *adore* savory pastry; in fact, contrary to popular […]
Open Sesame: Rye Rhubarb Tahini Tart

GAH, I love this season for baking. (Okay, there isn’t really a season that I don’t like, but bear with me.) Finally the rhubarb and cherries are here, and gorgeous berries are signaling the imminent arrival of summer. I’m still fairly new to rhubarb, having only discovered it a few years ago, and every year I’ve […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Sweet Potato Tart with Gingersnap Crust & Heavenly Meringue

I try not to get political on here because this is a blog about butter and sugar and chocolate. But this week after the clown circus that was Election 2016, it feels like nothing matters except the impending doom of the incoming Orange President. But with a heavy heart, we must go on, and I […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Frozen Swiss Chocolate Pie

Summer weekends are for eating frozen things, preferably involving chocolate. And if those frozen chocolate things happen to be slathered in fudge and whipped cream, ALL THE BETTER. Our last recipe for Baked Sunday Mornings was in honor of National Dog Day; this week we are celebrating Grandparents’ Day with Frozen Swiss Chocolate Pie from […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Mega Easter (Primavera) Pie
When I joined Baked Sunday Mornings over 3 years ago, the group was working their way through BAKED’s second cookbook, Baked Explorations, and they were just cracking open the newly released Baked Elements— I was so excited to jump in! The premise of our group is to bake through every recipe one by one and learn/enjoy/chow […]
Valentine’s Trifecta: S’mores Brownie Pie

Oh S’mores, how do I love thee? I love thee over a campfire, in cupcake form, as an ice cream flavor, and I definitely love thee in a pie dish! Especially a ruffly, heart-shaped pie dish in February, to be more specific. There are few flavors that I adore more than the glorious trifecta of […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Brown Butter Apple Cranberry Galette

Oh my, this is one pretty pie. I mean, galette— we’re getting a little fancy for Thanksgiving at Baked Sunday Mornings this week. Though actually, I guess it just *feels* fancy because galettes are of French pastry origin. Really, a galette is quite rustic with its wild and crazy free-form shaping. I love baking lots of different things, […]