Latke Cookies

It is Day 6 of Chanukah 2022, and I have made precisely ZERO latkes so far during this holiday week. Eaten, yes; cooked, nope. I am planning to this weekend, but since my winter break from school started very late this year (today!), I haven’t gotten to the mess of grating and frying just yet. […]
Sesame Cashew Bars

I’ve wanted to visit Sofra outside of Boston for years, and somehow life + pandemic made it so that I didn’t visit my favorite U.S. city for over six years. In the meantime, I had acquired owner Maura Kilpatrick’s masterpiece of a cookbook, Soframiz, and while I haven’t baked nearly enough from it, the first […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Sweet & Salty Brownies

I can’t believe it’s May 17, 2020. After more than 7½ years, today is my very last Baked Sunday Mornings post ever. I am in disbelief that I joined this group in 2012 and have baked through 3½ cookbooks with this wonderful group. It’s hard to put into words how meaningful BAKED in Brooklyn has […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Peanut Butter Pie with Cookie Crust & Easy Fudge Sauce

I’ve said before that I’m pretty indifferent on the combination of chocolate and peanut butter; I like them each separately, but together they generally elicit a big ‘meh’ as far as I’m concerned. However, I was actually looking forward to making this Peanut Butter Pie with Cookie Crust & Easy Fudge Sauce for Baked Sunday […]
Salted Cacao Nib Brownie Hamantashen

It’s hard to believe how quickly this year between Purim holidays came and went. Last spring, I was frantically planning and packing for a huge move halfway across the planet. In the middle of all that came hamantashen season, as it always does at this time. The previous year, I had discovered the almond shortbread […]
Triple Sesame Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Happy 2019, friends! I hope January is treating you well so far. And I know we’re all supposed to be eating salads and carrots n’ stuff, but I’m over here making cookies, and I’ll be honest, I have no intention of stopping. I like to post a sweet-and-salty recipe around New Year’s each year because […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Caramel Apple Cupcakes

Most of the time, anything involving the combination of apples and caramel is a good thing in my book, be it cake, pie, tarts, or simply dipping slices of apple in a good caramel sauce and calling it dinner. The single preparation that I can currently think of that I don’t like is… caramel-dipped apples… which […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Monster Cookies

Sometimes I’m wrong about cookies. This could be a good thing, or a bad thing, depending on the cookie situation at hand. I was not especially excited to make these Monster Cookies for this week’s Baked Sunday Mornings recipe; not that there was anything wrong with them per se, but they just didn’t speak to me. Now […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Sweet & Salty Cake

Wow, it’s been a minute. In the six years that I’ve been writing this blog, I’ve never taken a hiatus of more than a couple of weeks (I think?), but it has been a doozy of a few months. I mentioned in my last post that I just moved halfway around the world to Tel Aviv, […]
Salted Cookies & Cream Rice Crispy Treats

I heard it was National Oreo Cookie Day. On March 6th, I shall henceforth rejoice in the name of Nabisco’s magical midnight-hued cookies, which I’ve mentioned on a number of occasions that I *adore*. I typically don’t pay a lot of attention to these food-themed days, or more precisely, I don’t usually know about them […]