Baked Sunday Mornings: Chocolate Chip-Orange Panettone
Happy Holidays, friends! I hope you’re enjoying warm company, relaxy times, and lots of yummy treats this week. 🙂 The thing I love most about baking, besides cramming delicious foodstuffs in my cake hole (duhhh), is that it never ceases to amaze me. There is never an end to the learning and trying and tweaking […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: S’more-Style Chocolate Whiskey Pudding

Anybody else want a s’mores party in your mouth? You probably know there’s only one right answer; look no further– this is the recipe for you. What a lovely way to end Baked Elements. When I joined Baked Sunday Mornings in September 2012, the group was about ⅔ of the way through Baked Explorations, and about […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

Whatever you’re doing right now, put it down– you need to make Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls immediately. This is one of the recipes that I was most excited to make when Baked Elements was released two years ago, but inexplicably, I haven’t had a chance to make them until now. (Little did I know what I’ve been missing […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Chocolate Mayonnaise Cupcakes

Woe is me… One week ago I was in New York, traipsing around the city in search of its best pastries and meals. I discovered quite a few new spots and visited many of my old favorites, bringing home an uncomfortably heavy bag of loot that I was lucky enough to get on the plane […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Pumpkin Harvest Dunking Cookies

It’s Fall. Me happy. I am, of course, by no means unique in my love of the autumnal season, with its warm cocoa, reds and yellows and oranges, and that glorious, crisp relief after months of sweltering heat. (Not that’s it’s cooled down in California much at all yet, but at least I know it’s […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Tunnel of Hazelnut Fudge Cake

In one week, I shall descend upon the eateries of New York City while in town to celebrate the release of Baked Occasions, the 4th cookbook from my favorite gentlemen bakers at BAKED in Brooklyn, as well as the opening of their second bakery location, in Tribeca. My excitement is mounting by the day, because in […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Chocolate Cheesecake Muffins

Let’s not kid ourselves– there is very little in these Chocolate Cheesecake Muffins (from the Chocolate chapter of Baked Elements) that is actually related to a “muffin”, except the shape; they are like a slightly-less-sweet twin of black-bottom cupcakes. And when I say all this, please don’t mistake my intent– I am 100% in favor of this sort of dessert-masquerading-as-breakfast! I’m merely saying, let’s […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Candy Bar Cookies

Holy cookies, Batman. I’ve been out of commission after (another) ankle surgery for the past two weeks, and I was so happy to be back on my feet this week. I was able to bake ahead for the last couple of Baked Sundays Mornings recipes, so that I didn’t have to miss any blog posts, but I […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Crunchy Peanut Butter Banana Bread

Banana recipes two weeks in a row for Baked Sunday Mornings? I’m actually okay with that. I think I’ve made my peace with bananas thanks to last week’s Chocolate Banana Tart, and I couldn’t love this recipe more! The Crunchy Peanut Butter Banana Bread from the Peanut Butter chapter of Baked Elements is my favorite banana bread to date. I’ve […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Chocolate Banana Tart

Dear Banana, We meet yet again. I have come to accept that other people eat you, enjoy you, like you, and dare I say… even LOVE you. After much soul-searching and pastry indulgence, I am pleased to report that I have arrived at a place of tolerance. I can tolerate your existence, and I can now […]