Mexican Hot Chocolate Rice Crispy Hearts
Does everyone else love rice crispy treats like I do, or do I have some sort of abnormal obsession? I love baking – cakes, cookies, tarts, all the yummy things. But I can’t think of anything else that brings more joy to both adults and kids as rice crispy treats, IMHO. So I wanted to […]
Guinness Stout Cake
I’m not generally one to drink by myself at home. I’d rather eat my calories any day of the week, especially dessert. But right now in Coronaland, days and calories and beverages and work and meals and food porn and TV seem to sort of blur in and out of each other. And technically it’s […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Tuscaloosa Tollhouse Pie
I finally did it. In 6+ years of baking and blogging, I had never lost photos… until now. In the madness leading up to my move to Israel in June, I frantically rushed to finish a number of recipes for various blog projects, and because I had a bunch of dough in the freezer that […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Caramel Apple Cupcakes
Most of the time, anything involving the combination of apples and caramel is a good thing in my book, be it cake, pie, tarts, or simply dipping slices of apple in a good caramel sauce and calling it dinner. The single preparation that I can currently think of that I don’t like is… caramel-dipped apples… which […]
Deb’s Mom’s Apple Cake
I’ve been living in Tel Aviv for 3 months now, which in and of itself, blows my mind, but more importantly at the moment, I’m about to celebrate my first Rosh Hashanah ever in Israel. (Okay, technically I celebrated a few as a baby, but seeing as how I was barely a sentient being, I feel […]
Chocolate Coconut Macaroon Cake
If you know anything about Passover desserts, you know that they can be a challenge and we often have to compromise to uphold the rules of being Kosher For Passover. So imagine my delight when I came across an amazing (and beautiful) dessert last year from Bon Appétit that yielded a flourless chocolate cake so decadent and […]
Pumpkin & Cookie Butter Sheet Cake with Toasted Meringue
You’re already preparing for Thanksgiving dinner, aren’t you. On the off chance that you haven’t started on dessert yet, I highly recommend walking over to the pantry and pulling out the jar of speculoos that you’ve been saving for something special. (Or is that just me??) Let’s all stay cool and calm and collected– Pumpkin […]
Rainbow Sprinkle Bread with Birthday Cake Crumb Topping
I know I’m supposed to be telling you more about what people bake in Italy, but two things are happening this week: 1) I’m leaving for a week for a family wedding in Israel, which means a) cramming in as many baking projects as possible before I go and b) procrastinating when I should be […]
Amalfi Coast & Positano: Wild Strawberry Ricotta Cheesecakes
Everyone has their own idea of paradise, whether it’s a tropical island, a lake in the mountains, a tranquil forest, or whatever place brings you pure joy. Maybe even one’s own backyard. My happiest Happy Place is of the Italian persuasion… which you might have guessed by now. 😉 One place in particular that I […]
Crumbs o’ the Irish: Brown Bread Ice Cream
So you made an Irish feast a few days ago and now you have a bunch of brown bread left over, right? Now, I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t keep slathering thick slices with salted butter as long as you can, but here’s another idea: ICE CREAM. Yep, bread and ice cream– […]