Pretzel Linzers with Salted Caramel

Happy 2018– I hope your year is off to a positive start! Did you have a salad this week? Okay good, so we can get back to business. I mean, I do feel a renewed push to eat healthy every January, but mostly to balance out the sweets that I have no intention of giving […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: A Trio of Truffles

I love chocolate. I really do. A LOT. But for some reason, chocolate truffles, at best, illicit a lukewarm reaction for me– they are not my preferred chocolate delivery system. And you know what I enjoy even less than eating chocolate truffles? Making chocolate truffles. I admit that I groaned when I saw this week’s […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Peanut Butter Cookies with Milk Chocolate Chunks

Ah, 2008– a quaint time when I didn’t yet understand that sprinkling salt on baked goods brings out their flavor, and scooping dough before chilling is easier, and letting dough rest in the fridge for a couple of days yields tastier cookies. Fast-forward 9 years, and I now know to incorporate those tricks, whether or […]
Salted Chocolate Sesame Rice Crispy Treats

Snap-Crackle-Pop will never be the same. I, like so many other dutiful American bakers, made my rice crispy treats using the recipe on the Rice Krispies cereal box, never questioning whether there were better marshmallow-laced specimens out there. But then, people like Deb Perelman and Joanne Chang taught me that rice crispy treats could be […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Peanut Butter Butterscotch Cookies

Peanut butter lovers, rejoice! You have a new favorite cookie. But don’t thank me; thank Baked Occasions, which has again, as is often the case, reinvented a classic dessert to make it just a little better than what we were eating yesterday. In this case, they’ve tackled peanut butter cookies on the premise that the old-school […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Caramel Candy Popcorn Balls

Popcorn and caramel and candy in one treat? Check, check, and check. Baked Sunday Mornings made Caramel Candy Popcorn Balls from Baked Occasions this week to celebrate Administrative Professionals’ Day… Man, I reeeeally wanted to like these. BAKED developed them as a tongue-in-cheek nod to the old-school notion of “secretaries” from decades past. I think they capture this (fortunately) […]
All it’s Cracked Up to Be: Matzah Buttercrunch Ice Cream

Soooo, anyone else have an extra box or two of matzah left over after Passover? I don’t know about you, but I can safely say that every year I have at least a full box left, which I keep around with the intention of making I-don’t-know-what-at-some-point, but hey, there it is the following Passover! This […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: The New Orleans (aka Pecan Praline Ice Cream Cake)

Sometimes you get those special recipes that you catch yourself daydreaming about long after the last bite has been savored… Friends, this is one of those recipes. It’s really hard to pick a single favorite recipe from Baked Occasions, but this one is way, WAY up there—Top 5 for sure. I made The New Orleans […]
Hanukkah Roll Call: Chocolate Pistachio Nutella Rugelach

It’s Hanukkah this week, which means it’s time for rugelach, people. I really can’t say why I don’t eat rugelach much during the rest of the year; there’s no actual reason not to, and a host of reason to eat them. But for some reason, I relegate these cookie rolls primarily for the Jewish Festival of Lights. And […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Salted Caramel Soufflé

I have a confession, and it may disqualify me from being a food blogger; in fact, maybe I should cut my losses and back away from the oven altogether… Okay, here goes nothing: I have never watched Julia Child. Go ahead– judge, gasp, point fingers… it’s to be expected for such an egregious culinary transgression. […]