Baked Sunday Mornings: Coconut Snowball Cupcakes
Alllll the coconut. Give it to me. Is it possible to fall more in love with coconut over time? Because did I mention… I want all the coconut things. I’m not really sure where this desire came from (as I’ve mentioned before, I grew up thinking I didn’t like it– pffff), but I’m so glad […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Classic Diner-Style Chocolate Pie
Sometimes all you need is a slice of pie. I’m not even that much of a pie person. But sometimes it hits the spot like no other dessert. And sometimes maybe you even have it for dinner. I’m not saying I had pie for dinner this week, except that maybe I did, and I’m not […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Red Hot Velvet Cake with Cinnamon Buttercream
I know. Red velvet is so over. Like, WAY over. But hear me out when I tell you that we don’t have to live this way. We can have red velvet in our lives *and* reserve the right to abstain from food trends du jour, I promise. See, red velvet started as a classic Southern […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Milk Chocolate Malt Ball Cake
Layer cakes, I MISSED YOU. It has been almost a year since I’ve posted a layer cake. Not because I didn’t want to make layer cakes all the live-long day, but because I was nomadic for several months, then setting up my new apartment, then didn’t have anywhere to bring a whole layer cake for […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Almond Green Tea Cupcakes
As I’ve started my hectic school year after more than a year off, I’m feeling very nostalgic this week for some of the lovely, more peaceful moments spent in Israel last Fall. While it was a tough time in some ways, very little in suburban USA holds a candle to a Tel Aviv sunset or […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Chocolate Chip Cookies
It’s not often that I say this, but… this week, baking made me sad. I take my chocolate chip cookies very seriously, and I want them to be a certain way. When they don’t turn out that way after several attempts, I get all cranky-pants. Thus was the situation this week with the Chocolate Chip Cookies from […]
Salted Cacao Nib Brownie Hamantashen
It’s hard to believe how quickly this year between Purim holidays came and went. Last spring, I was frantically planning and packing for a huge move halfway across the planet. In the middle of all that came hamantashen season, as it always does at this time. The previous year, I had discovered the almond shortbread […]
Baked Sunday Mornings: Tuscaloosa Tollhouse Pie
I finally did it. In 6+ years of baking and blogging, I had never lost photos… until now. In the madness leading up to my move to Israel in June, I frantically rushed to finish a number of recipes for various blog projects, and because I had a bunch of dough in the freezer that […]
Triple Sesame Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Happy 2019, friends! I hope January is treating you well so far. And I know we’re all supposed to be eating salads and carrots n’ stuff, but I’m over here making cookies, and I’ll be honest, I have no intention of stopping. I like to post a sweet-and-salty recipe around New Year’s each year because […]
Deb’s Mom’s Apple Cake
I’ve been living in Tel Aviv for 3 months now, which in and of itself, blows my mind, but more importantly at the moment, I’m about to celebrate my first Rosh Hashanah ever in Israel. (Okay, technically I celebrated a few as a baby, but seeing as how I was barely a sentient being, I feel […]